Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Lately I've been dealing with quite a number of difficult people around the office and among them all, I do realize that these difficult people are living within their own world without really care what others may think and perceived who they are personally.

The problem is, they never ask for feedback and hardly open to any criticism. Perhaps by the time they realize what their bad habits are, they could be the last one to know...

Anyway, listed belows are the 7 common habits of highly ineffective people, from my personal observations:

1. Poor Time Management
- They hardly respect other people's time and drag every single discussion to a point when almost everybody forgot what the meeting is all about. In their opinion, anything that could be solved within 5 minutes is not an effective solution.

2. No Respect on Others
- They think highly about themselves that they tend to be overly dominance in every single communication.

3. They are always right, no matter what...
- Talking to them is always a one way traffic. Tell them they are wrong and they tell you your weaknesses straight away...

4. They never listen...
- Quite relevant to point No 3. They always talk but hardly listen, hence tend to say the same things redundantly.

5. They are always busy, and always trying their best to look busy.
- Whoever seen sitting around doing nothing is purely useless, even though you just returned from a 4 hours job under the hot sun at the construction site.

6. They think they smart, but most of the time, they are not.
- They tend to BS and appear to know everything. Check their facts every now and then and you will realize that more than 50% of what they said were probably not true.

7. Every single thing dealt with them tend to be very complicated and difficult, regardless of how simple the solutions may be... well, that is why I call them difficult people.

Well, there are more elements actually. But I believe the one listed above are among the common traits that anyone should observe when dealing with these diificult people around you.

Our job is not to be despised by them. Instead, take it as a challenge and learn to handle them accordingly. Normally, everybody is good from the inside, it's just that they didn't get the necessary helps during their younger years that turn them into someone that almost (if not all) everybody hates when they are older.

Well, no one's perfect right? Just be yourself and try not to fall under this category as you may find it difficult to find a good friend later on.

Just sharing my 2 cents though.

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