Yes, we do have deliverables, datelines and objectives. We are all answerables to somebody, even to our spouse. We all have our own stresses and problems that we need to manage, especially financials. But then, should we work in a way that personal touch is no longer important? What I meant here, issues on staff motivation is hardly a point of concern anymore to plenty of management personnels.
When motivation degrades, performance will suffer.
My point is simple. Most managers are hardly leaders. They manage but they don't lead. They don't care what happen and will happen if they fail to address certain things. Worse of all, they never have the guts to ask for feedback and others opinion. Just because they are appointed by the company to a certain post, they thought they knew everything and anyone else below his/her rank shall work like a slave.
Is this a correct thing to do? Can someone tell? Did the management made a wrong decision appointing such persons to certain managerial position? Perhaps, maybe, I don't know, mmmm... which one?
Anyway, I have no specific names here as my opinions are rather generic than specific, though I am referring to certain specific cases. If any of these managers happen to read this, good, as you know who you are.
Thinking about it, I guess all these are boiled down to one's attitude and character, plus some office politics that we all need to understand. Yeah I know at times, we need to please our bosses. We do have to be strict and stringent with our decisions simply to demonstrate our firmness in handling certain matters. But most of the time, we are nothing more than a normal human. We all die sooner or later, so why not make the most of it rather than work work work...
We all work for money (some let money works for them)... after that?
Simple equations always tell me that humans need rest. Humans need to be happy. Humans need time out. Humans need reasons to live. Humans need motivation and so on.
Is it so hard for managers to say:
- good job!
- congratulation!
- splendid!
- thank you!
- I'll support you, don't worry... etc
- visit your subordinate who just got a newly-born baby
- call staff for a dinner
- have a chit chat once a month during teh-tarik session
- sharing concerns from time to time
At the end of the day, there is only one place that we shall go for sure... and why is it so difficult for us to treat each other nicely? regardless of who you are in the office...