Monday, July 12, 2010


We all work hard for the money just to fulfil our needs as well as our dreams. The problem is, most of the time we work so hard for the money that most of us tend to forget or ignore the real important matters in our life, which to me, are health & happiness coz one will always relate to each other.

Yes, you may get that 5 figure or even 6 figure income that you've been dreaming of. But the question is, are you in good health condition and does that five figure income brings you the goodness of life that you've been searching for?

Money will certainly brings you a lot of excitement, especially in terms of shopping power. Though not everything, but you can buy almost anything with money, even humans to certain extent.

But wrongly spent, money can and surely destine you to a dungeon of destruction as well. You may lose your old time friends, you may create a lot of hidden enemies, or you may even get infected with HIV if you are a womanizer, just to name a few. Even most crimes are committed due to money orientation, no others.

So, the thing that I am trying to point out here is simple.

Regardless of how much or how less money that you have in your account, do not lose your sense of humanity, particularly your sense of humor.

We all need money for sure, but money is not everything because the fact is, you can't buy everything with money, especially health and happiness. These two come from a different aspect of life in which it is much related on how well you groom your relationship wih others and giving good personal care on your own well being, where knowledge, patience and discipline play a more important role.

It's easy to say though, because it is not easy to control oneself once you are already sleeping on a "moneybed".

To most of us, we'd always say I knew how to control myself once I got there (ie when I have lots of money), but the reality is always otherwise, especially without proper planning and control.

I personally have seen a number of people that turn out even worse when they have lots of money rather when they're not.

If you don't plan on how you're going to behave when you reach that destiny (yes.. this one needs planning as well...), chances are you will not behave and start having all sort of problems that relate to money.

As for me, I don't have a lot... yet... ;) But I will...

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