Saturday, March 21, 2009


Life is a risk and no matter where we go or what we do, there are always risks involved. Even walking in a bathroom is much riskier than crossing a road with heavy traffic. Not to mention the different risks that you have by living in one place compared to another.

The question is, how strong and how brave we are in taking risks? Do we have a choice?

Working in an oil refinery has always taught me that safety is not something that can be compromised. The best mantra of all, written in every work permit and safety signage is “No work is so urgent that we cannot take time to do it safely”.

And it’s true. If there is anyone who has the guts to argue this with the safety personnel, the solution is only one; GET OUT & DON’T COME BACK!

Looking at the risk behaviours of people or so-called risk appetite in trading, it makes me wonder what criteria that contributes towards such and such brave act in different persons in doing things. Shouldn’t we play it safe all the time? Take time to do it slow and safely so that no one get hurt.

The answer is very subjective and it is you to define which level of risk that is comfortable to you. In fact in business, it is an authentic believes that you’d gain nothing if you don’t take risk. A spineless businessman will never make it big time.

Talking about risk definition, some people dare to do skydiving but not speed racing. Some has the guts to invest millions in new business but no guts in trying the bungee jumping and so on. The list is indeed endless.

One of my best idols is our former Premier, Tun Dr Mahathir. If he didn’t have the guts in taking calculated risks in doing things for the country, I do not think we are where we are today. Even that, there are still plenty to be done, yet.

In short, certain things that we dare to do is not necessarily easy for others to take, regardless of what venture it is. Too much risk or no risks at all will twist things to dangerous or too boring to be endeavoured, hence killing the interest in doing it. But surely, when there is zero risk involved, the chances of safety is close to 100%.

Personally, I love risks as risks keep me alert all the time. Being too comfortable and satisified with what I have is simply not me. Sometimes I did take stupid risks, unintentionally. But whatever that didn't kill me will make me stronger.

My advice is simple:
Take risks but do not take stupid risk. You must consider the consequences. The pain is sometimes too much to take. Hence, it pays to be extra careful in taking risks.

copyright Ó 2009 by shahrul nizam hussin

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